Chiropractic Treatment for Different Types | Chiropractor in Centurion

Back pain can be divided into two different types, namely acute and chronic pains and a doctor will be able to tell you which you have. Acute pain goes away quite quickly and the main function of the pain is to let you know that there are possible sources of danger present and it tells you that you need to make a physical change to prevent harm. Chronic pain , however, is just as painful, but lasts much longer than acute pain. Usually doctors would classify your pain as chronic if it lasts more over twelve weeks. Chronic pain is less of a warning and more of a long-term problem. You will also get different chiropractic treatment for disc issues. Disc problems are extremely rare and back pain is almost never caused by “ disc slipping .” However, when a disc gets distorted or when the disc tears, I can exert pressure against the spine and touch on sensitive nerves. This causes the pain. Another back pain type can be classified as “ sciatica ”, which are the pains that can be fel...