The Services Of A Chiropractor in Centurion

The Services Of A Chiropractor in Centurion The Osteopathic Association of South Africa describes their services as such: “Osteopathy offers a unique philosophy and insight into the human body and concepts of health to provide safe and effective treatment for neuro-muscular-skeletal related conditions for all.” An osteopath is a health care professional who treats his patients with manual therapy similar to those used by chiropractors. The treatments are safe for adults, sportsmen, children, babies and pregnant mothers. By manually manipulating the spine the osteopath corrects minor shifts in the vertebrae of the neck and spine thereby relieving pain and discomfort. They are registered with the Allied Health Professionals Council (AHPCSA) and subscribe to the minimum standards as set out by the Council; they are also members of The Osteopathic Association of South Africa. The osteopath uses manual manipulation to balance the body’s systems, thereby focusing on the body as a w...